After 45 years of creating professional public performance, Lesley has gathered a diverse array of skills and experience. All this combines to enable her to create and facilitate workshops uniquely suited to a variety of outcomes.
Examples include;
Living Pictures Creative Threads Summer Retreat
Workshops which stimulate participants’ ability to create freely. Using mindfulness practices, active imagination and organic movement, Lesley supports participants in allowing their creative impulses an embodied freedom. Via “writing from the body” (Lesley's own unique practice), individuals generate written text which they then work with in a whole new way. The outcomes are spontaneous and potent, and can result in performance material that can be shared with an invited audience.
Min 4hrs – up to a 1 week intensive
Max 15 participants
Mindfulness Acting Practices (MAPs)
Concordia University
An intensive course in developing deep mindfulness and practical breath work tools. These abilities are then applied to generating material, co-creating with partners, and to performance.
Min of 4 sessions, up to a 6 week intensive
of four 3hr sessions/wk
Max 15 participants
Stillness into Action
Madrid AudioVisual Drama School
Screen Acting with a focus on accessing and developing a deep level of ‘authentic Self’ which results in charasmatic presence on screen and stage. Using mindfulness techniques, Lesley supports students in becoming and staying deeply grounded, calm, confident and yet vulnerable and open to receiving their partner’s offers. The result is an organic authentic presence that’s alive in the moment both actors co-create.
Min 2 hrs - up to a week of daily sessions
Max 15 participants
Vancouver International Storytelling Festival
Workshops of varying lengths, supporting participants in developing the skills required for effective Storytelling. Participants included those from diverse populations: Indigenous people; survivors of torture; refugees, people with housing and/or drug-misuse issues' those with Learning Disabilities.
Single 4hr sessions or ongoing 3hr sessions attended over several weeks.
May culminate in public performance: a 'Storytelling Festival' or sharing with invited guests
Max 15 participants
Fee minimum £60/hr: negotiable, depending on amount of development required.
Out of town sessions must include travel, accommodation and food.